Cancer Nutritionist

We can all relate to how someone feels when they are diagnosed with cancer. It is natural to feel terrified and lost, not knowing where to begin or where to press the brakes. If you find yourself in a similar scenario, all you need right now is a road map that will help you to take control of your life by controlling your health and treating the condition. Perhaps the truth and only truth is that when your health is bad, the decision to fight or give up is entirely up to you, and no one else can make this decision for you.It is the severity of your health problems that drives you to seek a remedy. All cancer patients require is proper nutrition.
Nutrition and Cancer
Even though each type of cancer has a unique cause, one factor that unites all cancers is the food that we consume. In the last few decades, there have been significant changes in our diet and eating habits. We eat more processed, manufactured, and man-made foods today in order to maximise profits. These foods may be delicious and attractive, but they are actually lifeless foods that are more harmful to us than beneficial.
You should be aware that the majority of cancers arise as a result of a compromised immune system that is unable to eliminate newly forming cancer cells when they manifest. Our immune systems should be boosted in order to prevent and fight cancer. Additionally, a healthy diet—which can only be obtained from recently harvested, whole foods that have experienced little human intervention—is the basis of a robust immune system.
Why is diet crucial for cancer patients?
The most crucial element in any cancer puzzle is your diet and good nutrition. Priyanka Arora finds healing in a cancer patient’s diet. A nutritious diet that is well-balanced and healthful gives us the energy we need, and it is a crucial component of any cancer treatment. A cancer diet is the one that increased a patient’s quality of life.
Proper nutrition is critical because it allows the patient to recuperate while being treated and develop towards a better life after the illness.
We have registered and award-winning finest dietitian for cancer patients, Poonam Arora, @ 1 Poonam Arora. Priyanka Arora is a professional oncology nutritionist who has been assisting cancer patients with individualised plans according to their specific needs and kind of disease. She strives to provide optimal nutrition and to assist people with their diverse dietary needs. She recognises that the appropriate nutrients are necessary for cancer patients to provide strength and enhance overall wellness. She believes that adopting specific dietary habits and patterns can help battle the side effects that cancer patients may experience as a result of their treatment, such as lack of appetite, diarrhoea, constipation, altered taste, and weight loss.The food we consume has a significant impact on our general health and also influences the chance of developing some types of cancer. A high-fat, high-energy diet may increase the risk of acquiring obesity and may reduce the risk of developing certain types of cancer. You should strive to consume a diverse range of nutritious meals, since this may help to reduce your risk of acquiring cancer.
Poonam Arora recommends eating a wide variety of foods from all five food groups (Fruits / Vegetables and legumes or beans / Lean meat, poultry, fish, eggs, nuts and seeds / Grains and other cereal foods, mostly whole grains / Milk and milk products like yoghurt and cheese) in recommended amounts to maintain an interesting and healthy diet that provides a variety of nutrients for the body. Eating a variety of foods is essential for good health and can be quite beneficial in lowering the chances of having cancer or any other health concern.
What exactly is a cancer patient diet?
Cancer therapy and rehabilitation go much beyond technological advances and the healing process. A cancer patient’s diet is one that meets the particular nutritional needs of any cancer patient both during and after their cancer recovery treatment journey. The following nutrients are essential for a cancer diet:
Proteins are the building components of human cells. Because human cells are damaged during cancer, cancer patients require more proteins to heal the cells and keep the ‘good’ cells. The much-needed important proteins can be derived from:
- Plant-based protein sources include chickpeas, black-eyed peas, split beans, kidney beans, and various types of lentils.
- Fish, fowl, meats, and eggs are examples of lean meat sources.
- Dairy goods such as low-fat cheese, milk, and Greek yoghurt are available.
Carbohydrates are essential in any cancer diet. Any cancer nutritionist will advise their patients to consume quality carbohydrates to fuel their bodies with much-needed energy. Carbohydrates can be found in a variety of foods, including fruits, vegetables, starches, dairy products, and desserts. As your primary carbohydrate intake, consider whole-grain bread and cereals, vegetables, fruits, and low-fat dairy and dairy products. Furthermore, there is a widespread misconception that sugar, a high-carbohydrate source, fuels cancer cells. It is true that cancer cells in the human body require extra energy due to their increased growth, but it is also incorrect to avoid sugar entirely.It is preferable to consume natural sugars, which can be obtained from fruits and other meals, rather than diets high in added sugar and processed foods.
Fats are an important part of a cancer patient’s diet. The human body need fats for the absorption of minerals, vitamins, and energy. However, there are both good and bad fats. Aim for healthy fats from foods such as nuts and seeds, veggies, and fatty seafood. Healthy fats are essential for fighting inflammation and are an essential component of any anti-inflammatory diet.
What are some of the most frequent types of cancer, and what does an Oncology dietitian think about their relationship with food?According to an oncology dietitian, what we eat and the types of foods we eat can affect specific types of cancer. Let us go over these in greater detail
Breast Cancer
Breast cancer is one of the most common types of cancer among women (Available Worldwide). Quick weight gain in maturity, quick early development, increased adult height, and a variety of other factors may all enhance women’s chances of having breast cancer. The oestrogen levels of women during their reproductive years contribute significantly to the risk. The risk of acquiring breast cancer rises with age.
A breast cancer dietitian recommends eating foods high in monounsaturated fats, such as olive oil, canola oil, nuts and seeds, and some vegetables, to lower the risk of developing breast cancer. However, excessive alcohol consumption and foods high in saturated and trans fats may increase the risk.
Lungs Cancer
Lung cancer is primarily caused by smoking and is the biggest cause of death worldwide. A diet high in fruits and vegetables has been shown to be useful in lowering and protecting against the development of lung cancer. Cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, and cabbage are extremely beneficial in preventing and treating lung cancer. Eating a range of foods, especially fruits and whole grains, can help protect and treat persons with lung cancer.
Prostate Cancer
Prostate cancer is frequent in men, and the risks are higher in those over the age of 50. Cancer nutritionists advise that a diet high in vegetables (particularly soy) can help reduce the risk of developing this type of cancer, whereas a diet high in fats (mostly animal fats such as dairy, fatty meats, and fast foods) can raise the risk. Maintaining a healthy body weight is also important in lowering your risk of acquiring prostate cancer.
Foods that you should limit to stay protected from the chances of developing cancer
While some foods can be very effective in preventing and treating cancer, there are also foods that we should all avoid or limit in order to avoid developing any type of cancer. These are the foods: Processed and fatty red meats, processed foods with no or little fibre, salted and pickled foods, and alcohol are all examples of unhealthy foods.Artificial sweeteners, cured, pickled, and salty foods, charred or grilled foods, peanuts, and alcohol are all unhealthy foods.
Diet is the most crucial piece of the ‘cancer’ puzzle. Remember that if your diet isn’t battling cancer, it’s probably feeding it. Treatment and medication can provide you with short-term comfort from your illness, but it is your diet that will provide you with a long-term remedy, and all because you are correcting the causes of your cancer!